Developing Social Dialogue for Better Regulation

The Partnership of Latvian Construction Entrepreneurs is a partner of Latvian Employers’ Confederation and is implementing the European Social Fund project ‘Developing Social Dialogue for Better Regulation in the Field of Business Support’ (No.
The aim of the project is to ensure the development of bilateral sectoral social dialogue for the development of a better legal framework for the improvement of business environment prioritizing five sectors-timber industry, chemical industry and its alliances, construction, transport and logistics, telecommunications and communications.
The target group of the event are organizations that ensure the representation of the interests of employers and employees in strengthening the sectoral social dialogue, as well as those engaged in the industry.
The project is implemented in cooperation with employers’ organizations.
As a result of the project, it is planned to conclude 5 general agreements for timber industry, chemical industry and allied industries, construction, transport and logistics, telecommunications and communications.
Deadline for implementation: May 25, 2017 – June 30, 2021.
Financing- the total eligible funding for the implementation is EUR 703 361.00, including the European Social Fund financing of 85% and 15% of the State budget financing.
Contact person: Sintija Siliņa | sintija.silina@latvijasbuvnieki.lv